Wednesday, December 8, 2010

[evidence #01]

Trust Society Archived Evidence #220443
Recovered Transcript of Interview:120610:  - Patient K0R3

interviewer: The doctors said you were singing a song today.

patient: *continues to work on her drawing*

interviewer:  [NAMEDELETED], can you tell me about the song you were singing today?

patient: I'm drawing about it.

interviewer:  That is very interesting.  I see a unicorn.  Do you like unicorns?

patient: No.  I don't like unicorns.  They are dangerous things.  Like the balena.

interviewer:  The what?  I'm sorry [NAMEDELETED], what did you say?

patient: The balena.

interviewer: What is a balena, [NAMEDELETED]?

patient:  A behemoth.  

interveiwer:  A what?
patient:  My father used to hunt them down.  He's hunt them with the me.  We would be on the orca and I would be wearing my dance mask.  I would have the important job of keeping his harpoon sharpened.  I would use my teeth.  (patient laughs)

interviewer:  Go on.. that is a nice story.

patient: It is NOT a story!  I know how to use my teeth.  I earned my teeth.  I could sharpen the harpoon that it could cut the very clouds!

interview:  I see.  

patient:  No you don't.  I'm drawing this for you, doctor.  You see this guy (points to uncolored portion of the drawing)  This is you.  You will never be able to understand.  

interview:  Thank you for your drawing, [NAMEDELETED].  I am sure -

A scratching sound can be heard in the background.  The interviewer can be heard leaving his chair and walking away.  The scratching sound gets louder and louder.

patient:  Daddy is home.

A deafening roar followed by the sound of the recorder tumbling to the ground.  The recorder thankfully survives whatever caused the explosion.  It continues to record.  Somewhere, a man (the interviewer?) can be heard moaning in agony.    There are breathing noises.  Heavy breathing noises.

patient:  You.. 

The breathing stops.  A strange bestial sound like a lion's roar interspersed with the bellow of a whale can be heard.  Then four seconds of silence before the breathing begins again.

patient:  You are not my daddy.

The tape recorder ends here.   The recorder was found amidst the rubble a few yards from the sinkhole that had destroyed the whole facility.  There are no survivors.  The local government has called it a tragic natural disaster.  

We know they are wrong.
Dir Schrödinger Wir Vertrauen.


  1. Rough German.
    Probably wanted to say
    In Schrodinger We Trust.

  2. Good catch there.
    Yeah, kinda just used Altavista for this post.
    :-P I only hope my players enjoy it as much as you do.
